Thanks for's what I've been up to!

First of all, I've given my website a facelift. Please visit my site when you have a moment and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Branding Longevity & Viral Marketing at It's Best!

I frequented "Dusty's In-N-Out" in Eastern Washington, as far back as 1964 while attending school, and anytime I find myself in the area, I still cannot and will not leave town until I've devoured one of their famous Dusty Burgers!

Dusty's is just a tiny little structure, not any bigger than one of those garden sheds you can buy for your tools, etc., but somehow their secret burger sauce managed to capture our attention and satisfy our hungry cravings! And the fries? die for!

If you were to check out some of the online sites today like "You know you're from Ephrata when....", in almost every post you'd find the mention of Dusty Burgers! Now that's branding! We loved them so much that we told friends, who told friends & so forth, and that was my first exposure into "viral marketing" - who knew?

Social Media Marketing ("Socialnomics", as it has recently been coined), is all about providing your customers with a superior product, building on the quality of that product, listening to your customers, and then allowing your customers to market your product for you through social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., and it's free!

This little jewel, and thousands like it across the country, have been experts at social media marketing for years! Don’t you think it’s time we became experts too?

1 comment:

  1. Sending promotional products is not the only way to attract potential customers to buy but sending out updated marketing newsletters is also important. Knowing the latest buzz will keep them interested as they will get intrigued and would want to keep on track.
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